February 2, 2016

Curiosidades de Luxemburgo

I told you guys before that we decided to make a quick visit of four days in Luxemburg because we had no idea what was this country about. Besides these sisters I used to play in the street during Summer time when I was 8 years old, I never ever met someone from this country.
I could read a book about Luxemburg or search for facts using our dear friend google but noooo this is not how I work right? If I want to know more about a country, I'm simply going there. Certainly locals have interesting stories you cannot find out on books or internet.
I guess I'm not the only one, many people around the world probably never heard about this tiny country so I decided to be a cool girl and share some information I found out while traveling in Luxemburg.

One. The population of Luxemburg is 500.000 people. Yes, half a million in the whole country! It's the 20th smallest country in the World.

Two. The very first community that arrived Luxemburg city (the capital) were portuguese. That's the reason why you can find portuguese wine and beer in supermarket, you can also talk in portuguese with the supermarket staff! 15% of inhabitants are portuguese and 40% of population are immigrants.

Three. There are around 155 banks in the country!! For half million people? Wow!

Four. The average month salary is 2300€ but taxes are heavy.

Five. Bus and Train inside Luxemburg are always 2€ no matter the distance.

My dear dutch friend Wout travelled with us in Luxemburg, I was super excited to see him again! We were roomates when living in USA. Since he had a car we decided to explore the country by road tripping.

We've been in Vianden, a Middle Age Town sooooo pretty! I could easily spend an entire week there just walking thru the canal, eating in the fancy beautiful restaurants and hiking. In the photo above you can see the castle, surrounded by nature, isn't it wonderful? A pity we didn't go closer, we actually couldn't find the way to get there.

After a long walk thru the river in Diekirch we decided to visit Echternach. We found a ice cream store with scoops for 1€ each and they were so delicious! Look at these yummmiiiieee ice cream with fresh fruit (melon, mango, watermelon, kiwi, peaches, strawberries) on and whipping cream. YES PLEASE!

This last picture they say is the most beautiful view of Europe. It's prettier alive but still, I've seen more stuning ones. Just go to Slovenia or Norway and you cannot close your month :) What I really loved about Luxemburg City and I thought was kinda special is that is divided in two levels: the lower level is nature and the upper one is old buildings.

Also I didn't know that the ancient quarters and fortifications of Luxemburg City are included on the World Heritage List of UNESCO since 1994. It's a real unique and pleasant place to be!

I hope this helps you to learn a bit more about this country not so known in the world but still very beautiful and interesting to visit.

Any curiosities you'd like to add? Now that I just posted this I feel like going back there soon and explore more :)

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