October 5, 2015

Rainbow Serpent Festival (Austrália) ou quando os teus sonhos se tornam realidade

*DREAM BIG, REACH THE STARS* I support any big or small dreams. Dreams keep us with faith in life, appeal to your imagination and creativity, some dreams change, some not but if you really believe and really want to, they will become true.

I'm grateful for this life but oh man! Why born during the Winter time when you live close to the beach? My birthday parties were always indoors, with lotsa food, candy, sodas and a princess cake and a bunch of friends and cousins playing all around the house. But cold and rainy. My childhood best friend's bday was on August, usually a pool party and it was so much fun!!

I grew up dreaming of a warm birthday party but never thought that it's winter in Portugal but in many others corners of the Planet is Summer. In 2011 I decided to leave my social worker job to grab a backpack and travel Asia alone. When my australian family knew about it they asked me to come to Australia but I need some sort of motivation and it came to me from the sky: My cousin told me about Rainbow Serpent Festival and the last day was my birthday!! And the best? She would pay the 250 dollars festival ticket as a birthday gift!!! Do I have the best family in the World? Yes I do :)
My passion for festivals, plus visit my family plus visit Melbourne for the first time plus my deepest dream of a sunny birthday celebration equals Happiness!! Of course I couldn't refuse this gift from the skies. I booked a flight from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Melbourne (Australia) right the way and planned more or less my trip to be in Malaysia before the flight so I'd visit the place and wouldn't miss the plane.

With the fear of losing my nikon D40 camera, I left it home and I so regret it. My cousin's camera is not bad quality but I missed the zoom touch of my camera. Also many times I was inspired or caught a brilliant moment, Becky was somewhere else. Crap! Let's have those special moments in my fish memory. 

My cousin's friends were fun to hangout, we spent great time together. Not only for the fun but also intelligent discussions and we shared the love for drum and bass so we danced until we dropped. The Top was Dub FX in the Alternative Stage, I'm a big fan of him and the special way he plays.He does beat box and record it, then play beats and record it and make a mix, in the end you have a song. I think you can tell is a good music artist when there's improvising spirit. He also have a soft and melodic voice and plays mostly in the streets. When I been in London I was with the hope to see him in some subway but well seen him in a Festival.

We had kinda routine: every day we would climb the hill and watch the sunset together. It's a wonderful view to the festival and watch the tents organized! The festival spot is incredibly beautiful with montains surrouding us. I wanted to see kanguroos but only seen bones of dead animals, creepy especially because not expecting to find that in the festival but surprises give us adrenaline, pretty good for our heart, heeee. 

If you are around Melbourne in the end of January (this year's just finished, ohhh) don't miss it! Good (variety) music, beautiful souls people, worldwide food, creative handmade, tribal goodies market, perfect weather. Just missing a lake or a river ^_^

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