August 14, 2015

Tanger e Assilah | Marrocos

This is my first time with my feet in Africa, which means I have been in all 5 continents! Yey! Go Girl! But... Morocco is not Africa for me. When I think of Africa I think of what is so called "Black Africa" so I'm not 100% conviced I've been in all continents. Let's plan a Trip to South Africa or Madagascar or Ethiopia! Ok take it easy you may think. I'm in Morocco and I don't wanna be anywhere else right now.

Morocco was on my Travel List for a long time, it's so close and easy to reach but I didn't want to travel this country only one week or on a tour. I wanted to explore the place myself, taking my time watching their lifestyle, to know more about the islam religion, to try their delicious food, to ride a camel in the desert, to watch the islamic buildings... I wanted to travel one month but now will go with the flow and stay until I feel like. Good thing when you are having a good time and don't have responsabilities, like your job. This is the time you feel free.
Tanger is a good introdution of Morocco because you get to see the moroccan culture but there's european influence. Besides arabic, they also speak french and spanish here so we are comfortable but the more you go down the less they speak spanish which is a language barier but I love to practise my body language.
Tanger is a crowded city with a small but nice Medina (means city, the old city) close to the coast and a great spot called Hafa Cafe with the meditarean sea in front of you while you drink a cup of mint tea.

This is the view from the CouchSurfer living room we are staying. We were pretty fortunate, look at this beautiful view! You can see Tarifa (Spain) and Gibraltar in front.

We decided to spend the Sunday afternoon in Assilah a small and cozy town, long time ago belong to portuguese and yes, you see portuguese influence in the buildings. Just to visit one afternoon is enough, but if you need a retreat of one week this is a great place to relax and renovate energies.

The way back to Tangier we decided to hitch hike just to check how hard is it. Not hard at all. The driver who took us talked in english and we could discuss about religion and relationships. At the end he invited us to have some dinner together.

And just to leave you hungry, look at this precious for only tweenty cents each.

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